
Welcome to Dr A.P.J ABDUL KALAM Central Library
The TBAK College Library has emerged as a Knowledge Resource Centre mainly catering to the information needs of the Faculty, Research Scholars and Students. Library is one of the vibrant learning units in our college.
The college library was established in the year 1988 with just 600 books to its credit. Now it has about 29,585 books and more than 212 periodicals including National & International Journals. The library has innovative infrastructure facilities like AUTOLIB software with modern technology such as DSpace serves with Wi-Fi connections and the library system includes central and the departmental libraries.
Each Department has their own compact Libraries in which relevant books are kept to cater to the immediate reference needs of faculty members and students.
Providing student-centered learning environment by exploring and implementing innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to strengthen the quality of teaching and research through library services
- To develop, organize and provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of students and scholars
- To incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty to make the Library ‘a happening place
- To develop, organize and provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of students and scholars
- To incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty to make the Library ‘a happening place
- Value Added Programme in Library and Information Science
S. No. | Date | Activities/Topics | Participants | Resource Person |
1 | 22.09.2021 | Induction Programme – “How to use the library and the services provided in our central library” | I year UG and PG students | Dr P Sumathi, Librarian, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai. |
2 | 27.11.2021 | National-level Virtual Workshop on “Digital Libraries in an Academic Environment” | Faculties, Researchers and PG Students | Dr R Sevukan, Associate Professor and Former Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry |
3 | 05.01.2022 | Training Programme – “How to access the E-Resources from DELNET, N-List, and other open-access resources” | New Faculty Members | Dr P Sumathi, Librarian, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai. |
4 | 23.02.2022 | Book Review Competition | All UG and PG Students | NIL |
5 | 24.03.2022 | Quiz Competition | All UG and PG Students | NIL |
S. No. | Date | Activities/Topics | Participants | Resource Person |
1 | 10.10.2022 and 03.12.2022 | Know our Library Resources and N-List Training programme | All I year UG and PG students | Dr P Sumathi, Librarian, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai. |
2 | 23.09.2022 | Book Exhibition | Balaji Books, Sri Annamaliyar Book House, Vellore Book Agency | NIL |
3 | 21.02.2023 | Book Review Competition | UG and PG Students | NIL |
4 | 22.02.2023 | Quiz Competition | UG and PG Students | NIL |
S. No. | Date | Activities/Topics | Participants | Resource Person |
1 | 23.06.2023 to 24.06.2023 & 27.06.2023 | Reading Month celebration | All UG and PG students | NIL |
2 | 10.06.2023 | Induction Programme - Library OER Availability and Usage | New Faculty Members | Dr P Sumathi, Librarian, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai |
3 | 15.08.2023 to 28.08.2023 | N-List Training Programme | Final Year UG and PG Students | Dr P Sumathi, Librarian, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai. |
4 | 06.11.2023 | One-day workshop on the topic “Developing a Knowledge Framework for Effective Research, Teaching, Learning, Funding, Patents, Admission and Branding of Institution” | Faculties, Researchers and PG Students | Dr. S. A. Fazlur Rahiman, Librarian, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. |
5 | 15.02.2024 | Book Review Competition | UG and PG Students | NIL |
6 | 15.02.2024 | Quiz Competition | UG and PG Students | NIL |

We Provide
- E-Library (70 Systems)
- Reprography service
- Printout service and
- Scanning service
- Content Alert Services
- E-Resources
Braille Services for Visually Challenged Students
- Audio Textbook collections
- Open access system is followed
- Library hours are allotted for the students during working hours
- Alumnae students, mothers of the Pearl Montessori School students and teachers of the local schools, community college staff and Housewives of Kilakarai can make use of the college library after the college working hours
- The library accepts donations of manuscripts, books and journals etc., which are found useful to the students
- The library provides two tokens of each student for books transactions
Value Added Services
- Know your Library” – Programme for freshers to motivate and to initiate the meaningful use of library
- Library services offered for other academic institutions
- Career Guidance/Employment Services for competitive examinations like UGC, NET, SLET, CAT, GRE, TOEFL and Entry into services
- University model question papers reference
- Book Exhibitions on different subject clusters are periodically conducted
- Orientation
- Content alert service
- Inter-Library Loan
- Career Guidance
- Question Bank
Best Practices
- Display of New Arrivals
- Book Preservations (Pest control)
- Functioning on all Saturdays & Sundays
- Extended Hours of Services (Night Shift)
- Book Bank Scheme
- Earn While Your Learn
- Book Review Competition
- Quiz Competition
- Best User Award
Working Hours
The library will remain open on all days, except Sundays, and Govt. Holidays.
- Monday to Friday - 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
- Saturday - 8.30 am to 1.30 pm
- Examination days - 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Extended Library Hours
- Monday to Saturday - 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Book transaction hours on all working days during Lunch break and Library hours
- 08.30am to 08.55am
- 10.05am to 10.20am
- 12.05pm to 01.00pm
- 02.50pm to 05.00pm
Note: During class hours books will not be issued or received from the students.
General Rules
- Silence should be strictly observed in the library.
- During the class hours books will not be issued or received from the students
- Bags/belongings are not allowed inside the library
- All the students & staff members must bring the ID Card issued by the college while using the library
- Members are required to carry their Identity card at all times and must show them at the request of the library staff. It is essential to submit Identity Card during checkout and check-in transactions of library.
- Reference books, magazines and journals will be issued for overnight only
- All books and journals must be returned on or before the due date.
- On entering the library, only paper and pen can be taken in for reference work. The ID card and brown cover or newspaper shall be taken in when books have to be borrowed
- The books are to be left on the reading table and need not be replaced in the shelves after reading or reference.
- Library books are to be used with utmost care and to be returned without any damage.
- Students should not write or draw anything on the books, periodicals and newspapers.
- The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
- Loss of tickets should be reported to the Librarian immediately & Rs.25/- should be paid for each ticket that is lost. All payment shall be paid at the college office and receipt shall be shown to the librarian, but fines should be paid to the Library.
- If the students are in need of the books during examination, they can make use of the library books by getting permission from the authority concerned.
- Usage of mobile phones is not permitted inside the library
Faculty Profile
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Qualification | Designation | Year of Experience |
1 | Ms M Kalaiselvi | BA | Attendant | 6 Months |
2 | Ms G Ponmari | MA | Library Assistant | 14 Years |
3 | Ms A Sivakami | B.Com | Library Assistant | 12 Years 6 Months |
4 | Ms N Anitha | M.Sc, B.Ed, B.LISc | Library Assistant | 1 Week |
E-Library has been consisting of 70 terminals are provided to with internet facilitate and housed in a centrally Air-Conditioned hall. An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) has been created and it is also made available via LAN in the campus.
- Intel Dual Core 4th Generation Processor / 81H Mother Board/ 4 GB RAM / 1 TB Toshiba HDD / Cd Drive/ 18.5 Compaq Monitor/ ATX Cabinet With Power Supply/ TVS Champ Keyboard/ Logitech Optical Mouse/ DVD Writers / Internet Speed: 200Mbps Leased Line
- For providing uninterrupted services for the students, UPS installed in the E-Library
Assistance in,
- Web Bibliography Search
- Content Alert Services
- Articles Search
- Inter Library Loan
- identification of Relevant Websites
- Photo strcmping
- Net Information Downloading
- CD Writing and many more
Institutional Membership
DELNET as been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. Our college library being its member has access to:
- 2,90,00,000+ books available for loan
- 40,000+ list of Journals
- 5000+ Full text E-journals
- 1,00,000+ Thesis/Dissertations
To use this facility, kindly contact the library staff.
National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST) being jointly executed by the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium. A college component of e-ShodhSindhu consortium with access to 6000+ journals, 1,64,300+ e-books and under N-List and 6,00,000 e-books through NDL.
British Council Library provides a wide range of online collection, from newspapers and magazines like New Scientist, The Economist, Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, to bestselling graphic novels, academic journals, research publications, novels and books by award-winning authors.
American Center is evolving in engaging its audiences with an event space, DVD viewing kiosks, online databases, and much more, the American Center incorporates some of the latest trends and technologies. We have more than 15,000 e-books and printed materials and one of the largest collections of American Studies materials in South Asia.
The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) was initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003
National Digital library of (NDL) is a project under Ministry of Human Resource Development, India. The objective is to integrate several national and international digital libraries in one single web-portal. The NDLI provides free of cost access to many books in English and the Indian languages. Access can be made through web or via mobile app, available for Android at Google Play

Open Access e-Resource

Library Books
The college management and members of staff of the library committee play a vital role in making the collection of various books for the library. Library collection includes books, periodicals and electronic resources. Selection of books and acquisition are based on the syllabi prescribed for various courses conducted at the college.
Reference Books
Totally 4,554 Reference Books including dictionaries, Encyclopedias, etc. can only be consulted within the library. These are to be issued for only overnight. This reference material can be take photostrcmp. Photostrcmp service is available in the library.
This is the largest collection of books in the library. Books for professional reading, research and supplementary texts are kept in this collection Textbooks for different courses being run in the college are kept in a separate collection. These are to be issued to use for home reading/studying for 15 days.
S.No | Department | Volumes | Title |
S.No | Department | Journals | Magazines | ||
1 | Inter National | National | Inter National | National | |
1 | Computer Science | 20 | 11 | - | 8 |
2 | Commerce | 9 | - | 12 | |
3 | Home Science | - | 0 | - | - |
4 | English | 5 | 10 | - | - |
5 | Arabic | 1 | - | - | 16 |
6 | Tamil | - | - | - | 2 |
7 | Mathematics | 7 | 6 | - | - |
8 | Chemistry | 4 | 3 | - | - |
9 | Microbiology & Biotechnology | 2 | 9 | - | - |
10 | Psychology | 1 | 2 | - | - |
11 | General | - | - | 1 | 27 |
Total | 48 | 86 | 1 | 77 |
S.No | Documents | No.of Volumes | No.of Titles |
1 | Books | 29,585 | 21,989 |
2 | Journals and Magazines | 212 | 212 |
National Journals (Print): 86 | |||
International Journals : 48 | |||
Magazines : 78 | |||
3 | Book Bank Books | 2398 | 2132 |
4 | Rare Books | 204 | 204 |
5 | Braille Books | 36 | 36 |
6 | Open Access of E-Resources | 7000(DSpace) and more than 3,00,000 e-journals and e-books from DELNET, N-List | |
7 | Back Volumes | 2992 | 154 |
8 | Thesis | 51 | 46 |
9 | Non-Book Materials | 251 | 251 |
10 | Proceedings | 11 | 11 |
11 | Question Banks | 3858 | - |
12 | Projects | 3228 | 3228 |
13 | Dailies | 8 | 8 |